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About Us

Hello Everyone! :)

Gia and Andrew here! We're the owners of SnowChi Peruvian Cuisine. Two food loving gamers came together as one in 2014 and now we own a business serving Peruvian food from our cozy trailer for you to enjoy!
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SnowChi's Story


As many of you know, 2020 was a hard year for mostly everyone in some way. One day, we began reminiscing back at the years before covid started, when we used to have people over for parties and gatherings. We smiled at the memories of everyone having a great time and eating the delicious noms that Gianella would make for everyone at our home. We looked back at the great feedback she’d get from our friends and family on her food. This had us entertain the idea of opening up a food business together. We decided to serve Peruvian food because it's the one that we enjoy the most! When we first started talking about opening a food business together, our pets Snowball (our bunny) and Chi (our sugar glider) were still around. At first, we didn’t know what to call our company. We lost count on how many times we changed our minds on the business name. After our pets passed away in 2021, just four days apart from each other, it became clear to us as to what we should call it. At last, we decided to combine their names and name our company SnowChi. The year we lost them was the most heartbreaking and toughest time of our lives. Mourning over the loss of our pets during covid made it extremely difficult to stay positive most of the time. But together we managed to pull through the challenges that life has thrown at us. We had our business to look forward to, our goals and dreams. All that made it a little bit easier to get back on track again knowing that our pets are watching over us and cheering us on. We can’t wait to serve you delicious food so make sure to stop by!


Get to Know Us


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I was born in Lima, Peru and came to the United States at a very young age. Growing up, I picked up a thing or two in the kitchen whenever I helped my mom cook. But it wasn't enough for me to pursue anything in the culinary field. Back then, I was more into Art and did a lot of drawings, painting, worked with pastels, etc. I ended up attending college with the attempt to become a payroll clerk for better beneficial reasons only. After some time, I realized that it wasn't for me at all and to make matters worse, I lost someone very special to me around the same time I left college. With all that going on, it was hard for me to focus in general. I didn’t know how to deal with the loss, my future looked very uncertain, and I didn't know what I could make of my life. Nothing else interested me to remain in school and I didn't want to go for something just because it pays well, once again. I learned in that moment that if my heart isn't in it, it isn't going to work for me. The only thing that I could do in the mean time was to work full time and save along the way while figuring out what it is that I truly wanted to do.

Fast forward to better days of my young adult life, which is when I met my husband, Andrew. We used to go out to eat a lot back in the day and seeing how happy he was chowing down delicious food at these restaurants sparked something within me. The feeling just came to me to want to cook the tastiest meals and desserts for him so he can eat just as good with me too! My passion for cooking began since and I was the happiest in the kitchen. I knew in that moment, that I have found my inspiration.

I worked in the food industry for many years, practiced a lot at home, came up with my own twists on recipes and my husband was loving it. I felt confident in myself and started hosting parties/holidays at our home every year. Hearing everyone's positive reviews on my food made me feel like I was on the right track for something greater. I was told plenty of times to open a food business one day, but I decided to put that in the back of my mind then. As time went on, things became even clearer as to why things happened the way they did. It brought me great joy to be told that I was naturally good at what I do. My husband gave me that extra encouragement I needed to go through with opening a business together and now we’re here! I'm eternally grateful with God for my journey and for my wonderful husband. Thank you for taking the time to read my short story!


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I was raised here in New Jersey and grew up with plumbing for most of my life. I started working as an apprentice and moved my way up in the field. I went to school while working and eventually got my Master Plumbing License in the State of New Jersey.

After many years of blood, sweat, tears and a few broken bones, I'm moving on from the trades to pursue my true passion, which is gaming. Final Fantasy, Halo and Pokemon were and still are my go-to games. I originally wanted to play Halo professionally when I was younger, but being the age I am now, and the time invested in plumbing, it's not a realistic goal anymore. For now I stream on Twitch whenever I have time but my goal is to move away from the plumbing field all together so I can focus on streaming fulltime.

I wouldn't be able to even imagined this dream of streaming and running a food trailer, let alone even getting my license if it wasn't for my amazing wife, Gianella! I thank God for blessing me with such a beautiful and amazing woman. She has supported and encouraged me every step of the way up to this point and I am so thankful. I am happy to have this life we have built and for the life we will continue to have.

Thank you for reading a little about my story! I look forward to seeing you at Snowchi! Or you can come hang out with me on Twitch! Give it a follow --> xgorehoundx114 - Twitch

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